17 Nov 2013

New Hobby - Model Airplanes

Or in this case, model scooter replicas of airplanes.

Don't believe me?

Image credit

This is the exact kit I have. Hilarious! Andrew bought it for my birthday. The model shop guys were begging him to take it away. Apparently it's been sitting there for years.

The kit comes with three wee airplane scooter guys. One is straight, the other two are leaning to each side.

Firstly you assemble and paint the scooter with a (not so) steady hand.

Then you put the airplane base around the scooter.

Oh, and I also painted a dude!

Sorry for blurriness. Gee, what a bad pic.

This is about as much as I've done so far. You can also leave the little dudes out and put a canopy of the scooter instead. Haha! Adorable!

I'm pretty excited about these guys. I had a brief stint with the Lord of the Rings tabletop game, but I kind of only enjoyed painting the things. I wasn't very good at the game. These models don't really have any game associated with them, unless you include flying them around making 'broom-broom-neeeooowww' noises.

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