26 Jan 2015

Cosplay Shenanigans - 2am sewing, picnics, and planning

In order to encourage me to post more as well as keep you all up to date with any cosplay related things, I'm introducing a new weekly post - Cosplay Shenanigans! Basically just a summary of anything cosplay related that happened through the week, such as progress, events, or news in the wider community. A lot of stuff you'll already find on my Facebook page or my Tumblr.

Last minute sewing

No matter how much time you give yourself to prepare your cosplay, it appears that you'll inevitably be found frantically sewing in the wee hours before an event.

I think I gave myself a month to sew Korra (book 4), yet I was attaching buttons and hot gluing things together the night before the event (Auckland Cosplay Picnic).

3D printed button and cording for the thread

If I hadn't slacked off the previous weeks, I wouldn't be gently crying over my sewing supplies while wishing I could just put my head down and sleep. Lesson learnt (yeah, right).

Cosplay in a park

So what was all the rush about? So I could dress up and run around in public, of course!

I hadn't been to one of the Auckland Cosplay Picnics before, so wasn't sure what to expect. Turns out it had a similar vibe to a convention, except almost everyone was cosplaying, it was far more relaxed, and there were no lines for food!

I caught up with a lot of the people I met at Auckgeddon, hung out with a some great friends, and met some new ones!

I was also privileged to have a casual photoshoot with a cosplayer/photographer I met, Hannah (BB's Cosplay & Photography). I'm amazed someone can take such fantastic looking photos while everyone is running around like mad. It was also my first photoshoot, but I didn't feel stressed - it was so fun! I can't wait to see the end result, but for now here's a preview!

Image credit: BB's Cosplay & Photography

Also I just realised I parted the fringe to the wrong side. Shameful, haha.

And I absolutely have to show you this most amazing gift Sparky made for me.

She made it herself! I think I died a little. And by a little, I mean a lot. So many feels!! What a talented lady!!

Future cosplays and planning

One of my next major cosplays is going to be Post Apocalyptic Jane Porter, which will debut at Hamilton along with a lovely group of other Post Apocalyptic Disney guys and gals.

I don't have much time each day to make it, so I had to do some forward planning.

I'm using Google Tasks, the predecessor to Google Keep. I like it because it gives you a nice overview on your calendar.

First I added all the major components, then spread them out across the remaining weeks. After that I broke each component down into manageable tasks that I can tick off as I go. There's a lot to do, but if I stick to this schedule I shouldn't get too stressed about it.


I've done a little bit of work on Jane this week - just a part of the underskirt. I can't wait to rip it up and weather it!

It's been a busy week, and next week should be just as busy, which means I'll have a lot of content for next weeks Cosplay Shenanigans post!

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