8 Feb 2012

A Prudent Purse

A couple of days ago I went on a Spotlight binge and bought some yarn and scraps of fabric, and began working on Lionbrand's Perfect Purse. This would be an opportune moment to use the needles and thread I have!

Here's the thread I'm using (Moda Vera MARVEL, 8ply acrylic) and a 4.25mm hook.

Rows upon rows upon rows...I got a little sick of single crochet stitches after this.

Ready to be assembled! The bow is Crochet Spot's Pretty Pretty Bow.

The lining took ages. I haven't sewn anything in a long, long time...I had to make this up as I went along. Not recommended! Next time, I'll plan ahead (measurements and all) and perhaps use Future Girl's tutorial: Sew a Lining for a Crocheted Bag. And maybe try and source a sewing machine. Hand sewing takes a long time!

And finished!

The lining!

This was a learning curve kind of project. Next time I know to plan ahead (how many times have I learnt that lesson...).

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