7 Nov 2011

The Initial Post

I've been very impressed with Blogger's UI so far. I'm glad to see that there is a lot of elbow room for front end development, and I plan on changing the CSS shortly.

So, the purpose of this blog...I guess it will help me warm up to my new DSLR (a Canon 1000D), and share some lols with friends. It should also help me improve drawing and design - hence the title and domain name.

For my first post, I'm going to share some crochet I just did (more crafts-y than design-y)! The pattern can be found here. The thread I used is a lot thinner than in the tutorial, but the pattern is pretty straightforward and I continued the coaster for a couple more rows.

Still needs to be blanked and starched, but the needlework itself is done.

UPDATE: It's now done, yay!

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